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Inspiration for the Heart
Marr Kippenberger, Kate


Inspiration for the Heart
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Often our lives are so busy that we forget to reflect on the important issues that underpin our relationships, careers and family life. But reflection is essential. After all, it was Socrates who said that the unexamined life was not worth living. By reading and enjoying this wise little book, you will stop for a moment and consider what really matters to you. From what it takes to be a good role model, to enjoying the present moment, to using your imagination to its greatest potential, a wide range of subjects is covered, with each page providing incredible insight and a catalyst for your own reflection.

On giving: "The best way to receive is to give. There is a natural balance to everything in life. It's important to keep this in mind if we hope to 'get things' from other people. If we constantly ask for things and we don't give anything in return, the chances of us continuing to get things are reduced. We don't always have to reciprocate at the same level we receive, nor with the same things, but we do need to give something back. Given the natural balance, if a person feels that they are always giving but receiving nothing in return, they will attempt to rectify the balance."

If you apply the wisdom in this book to your life, you are sure to see many benefits, but the currencies in play may be patience, empathy and love rather than those of the material kind.

Author Information

Kate Marr Kippenberger has an MSc (Hons) in Applied Psychology and is a trained industrial psychologist managing her own company. Her work ranges from management consulting to counselling and writing. Kate has also written Inspiration for the Soul.

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Pub. Date:

Self-Help / Practical Interests


192 page/s

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$13.99 AUD

All titles by Marr Kippenberger, Kate

Inspiration for the Heart

Inspiration for the Heart
Marr Kippenberger, Kate
H/B, A$13.99, Available

Inspiration for the Soul

Inspiration for the Soul
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